The Emperor has his new Clothes

The Nellie Collar

I have now been in the Brown household for five days and I am slowly getting them trained.  The first few days I had tripe for breakfast, one of my favourites and some mackerel for tea with a little kibble on the side.

While the food service has been excellent the plain leather collars were not really my cup of tea.

Tuesday was a nice surprise when Caroline made me a nice house coat but today I had a very nice beautiful house collar presented to me, this was called ‘The Nellie Collar’ from the nice lady at, as you can see in the picture above of me resting in my new collar, its rather spectacular.

Then to top of the day I had a nice fresh raw chicken for tea.  Many humans are fearful of feeding us canines raw chicken and raw chicken bones, but they are delightful and so crunchy.  The mistake humans make is to cook them, this spoils the bones and makes them brittle and sharp to our mouths.


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